Trends Across a Period Quiz

Friday, December 10, 2010

Periodic Trends Quiz

The modern periodic table shows the elements arranged in order of increasing atomic number.
v  Arranged in this manner, the elements show a periodic pattern in their properties.
v  This is why it’s called a Periodic table!

What this means is that certain groups of elements share similar physical & chemical properties. 
v  Periodically, as you run through the elements by increasing atomic number, you come across an element with similar properties to any element of your interest. 
v  This is similar to a calendar; as you run through the days by increasing number, you periodically come across a Monday, Wednesday, etc. 

These periodic trends are due to the atoms’ composition and their desire to have a full outer energy level.  Remember the octet rule: atoms desire to gain or lose e- to achieve 8 valence e- (to be like noble gases).
v  Metals typically give up their e- (form positive ions) to be like the previous noble gas.
v  Nonmetals typically gain more e- (form negative ions) to be like following noble gas.

Periodic Trends

1.      Atomic Radius: Radius of atom without regard to surrounding atoms.  (Size of the atom)
v  Left to right, atomic radius ______________.  The reason for this is _______________________
v  Top to bottom, atomic radius ______________. The reason for this is _____________________

2.      Ionic Radius: Radius of ion formed from atom.  (Did it gain or lose electrons?)
v  Left to right and top to bottom, ionic radius mostly follows the same trend as atomic radius (which should make sense – think about from where the ion comes).
v  Positive ions are ______________ than the uncharged atom. The reason for this is ___________
v  Negative ions are ______________ than the uncharged atom. The reason for this is __________

3.      Electron Affinity: Attraction an atom has for an extra e-. (How much it wants to form a [-] ion.)
v  Left to right, electron affinity ______________.  The reason for this is ____________________
v  Top to bottom, electron affinity ______________. The reason for this is ___________________

4.      Ionization Energy: Energy needed to remove an e- from atom. (Energy needed to form a [+] ion.)
v  Left to right, ionization energy ______________.  The reason for this is ___________________
v  Top to bottom, electron affinity ______________. The reason for this is ___________________

5.      Electronegativity: Tendency of an element to pull e- toward itself in a bond. (Follows e- affinity trend)
v  Left to right, electronegativity _______________.  The reason for this is ___________________
v  Top to bottom, electronegativity _______________. The reason for this is _________________


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